We specialize in the engineering and design of the following processes:
  • Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Studies
  • Preliminary Engineering / Design Studies
  • ​Process Simulation 
  • Financial Analysis
  • Procurement Services
  • Construction 
  • Construction Supervision
  • Functional Testing
  • Commissioning Services
  • Documentation Services
  • Maintenance Services
  • Turn Around Services
  • Logistics and Transportation
50 MT Coal Coking / Coal Carbonization Plant
Atmospheric Distillation Column
Financial Analysis
Cooling Tower, Heater, Custody Transfer Skids
  • Coking Plant Design
  • Coal Carbonization Plants
  • Hydro-Desulphurization Plants
  • ​Naphtha Catalytic Reformer
  • Atmospheric Distillation Unit
  • Hydrogen Production Plant
  • MEROX Unit
  • Sulphur Removal Processes
  • Chemical Injection Processes
  • Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plants
  • Waste Water Treatment Plants
  • ​Power Generation Plants
Process Design Drawings - Coal Coking / Coal Carbonization
EPC Services
Engineering, Procurement, Construction Services
Process Design Expertise 
We provide Engineering, Procurement, and Construction services to the Process Industry.  Those services include:
Satellite Linked Control System